
Three members of the Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit and their respective students presented papers during the recent 33rd Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS) conference. The conference was held at Mpekweni Beach Resort from 11 to 13 September 2022 and was hosted by the Rhodes University Department of Business Management.

The following papers were presented:

  1. Billings. C. and Farrington, S.M. African family business research - Initial explorations of the field.
  2. Ismail, R. and Farrington, S.M. Formal entrepreneurship education at South African public universities: Some exploratory insights.
  3. Ismail, R. and Farrington, S.M. Co-curricular student entrepreneurship support at South African public universities.
  4. Kupangwa, W., Farrington, S.M. and Venter. E. Strategic business values in indigenous Black South African family businesses.
  5. Venter, E. and Van Greunen, C. The influence of team identification on the intra-team knowledge-sharing behaviour of knowledge-intensive teams.
  6. Van Greunen, C. and Venter, E. Intra-team knowledge-sharing behaviour in knowledge-intensive organisations: The influence of demographic variables.

Contact information
Professor Shelley Farrington
Professor in Business Management
Tel: 27 41 504 2203

Prof Elmarie Venter
Professor in Business Management
Tel: 041 504 2204

Dr Welcome Kupangwa
Tel: +27(0) 415041363