On Wednesday, 9 October, she attended a seminar on family businesses organised by BDO. Three of the oldest family businesses in the Netherlands such as Bavaria were the guest speakers. The fathers and sons of these three businesses were speakers. On Thursday, 10 October, Prof Venter visited the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, where the Dutch Family Business Unit is hosted. She first gave a lecture on “Entrepreneurship in South Africa with a special focus on family firms”. She also visited their Entrepreneurship Hub and discussed possible exchange and the STEP collaboration with this university. On Friday she attended the graduation of Dr Coen Richtering for which she was an external examiner. He did his PhD on “Entpreneurial Orienation”.
ABOVE (from left to right): Dr. Lesley Tomaszewski: Lecturer Honours College Windesheim; Dr Chantal Remery: Senior Researcher Family Business Management; Judith van Helvert: PhD student Family Business Management; Dr Ilse Matser: Professor in Family Business Management and Director of the Dutch Center for Family Business; Professor Elmarie Venter: Director NMMU FBU.